Updates for Volume: cancer_11

This web page contains notes for cases and details on any updates made to cases in volume cancer_11. It will continually be under construction.

Date: 11/10/99 Case#: case1720 Volume: cancer_11
Change: The RIGHT_CC OVERLAY file was changed to show the abnormality is MALIGNANT and the LEFT_MLO OVERLAY file was changed to show that the abnormality is BENIGN_WITHOUT_CALLBACK. The web pages had the correct information so they were not changed.
Thumbnail Page: case1720/A-1720-1.htm l
Date: 4/13/01 Case#: case1576 Volume: cancer_11
Change: The RIGHT_MLO OVERLAY file was corrected to say that TOTAL_ABNORMALITIES is 2 rather than 1. Corresponding correction made on web page.
Thumbnail Page:

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