OPUS Model Construction

(from range data )

An OPUS (Object Plus Unseen Space) model is a CAD-type boundary description. Any data for visible portions of the object are modeled by real surfaces. Any portions of the object not visible are modeled by occlusion surfaces, representing the maximum possible extent of the as-yet-unseen portion of the object.


In the coming virtual universe, where's all the 3D structural data going to come from? The traditional method is to construct (program) objects and worlds by hand. This work strives towards methods to automatically construct models from image data. For instance, you could walk through your home with a camera, snapping images, feed the images into the model builder, and presto! Virtual reality representation of your home.

Related publications

``Extracting a Valid Boundary Representation from a Segmented Range Image'', IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, Vol. 17 (9), September 1995, pp. 920-924.

``Building a valid boundary representation from a segmented range image'', University of South Florida, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering technical report #94-01, 30 pages.

C code

A tar file containing C code which constructs OPUS models from range images, as reported in the publications above, and as demonstrated below.


Click on any image icon to download the OPUS model in VRML v1.0 format . Occlusion surfaces are shaded in bright greens. Glue surfaces (an artifact of model construction process, usually extremely small) are shaded in bright reds. The bottom of the OPUS model is shaded brown. Real surfaces use all other colors. Please note that VRML is a developing language, not intended for solid modeling. Webspace will view these models correctly.

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The OPUS model / USF / hoover@bigpine.csee.usf.edu