I am a Ph.D. candidate in Industrial Engineering, a research assistant in the Multi-Objective Optimization Laboratory, and an active member of the INFORMS chapter at the University of South Florida. I work under the supervision of Dr. Hadi Charkhgard. My current research preference is focused on multiobjective optimization, more specifically in mixed integer linear and nonlinear programs, and machine learning techniques. I'm also interested in specific topics such as the application of operations research in conservation planning, control of invasive species and resilient supply chain design (see Research).

I enjoy problems solving (especially optimization problems), and I find extra motivation when the difficulty of the problem increases. I also enjoy developing novel optimization algorithms or improve existent approaches. My research experience includes the development of multiobjective mixed integer programming algorithms using C++ and Julia combined with commercial and noncommercial solvers such as GLPK, CPLEX, GUROBI , and XPRESS. Finally, I am a quick learner and feel very comfortable working under pressure.

You can take a look to my most recent Resume here.


  • Ph.D. Industrial Engineering (C)
    • Start date: Fall - 2016.
    • Expected completion date: Spring - 2020.
    • Research focus: Multi-objective optimization.
    • Advisor: Dr. Hadi Charkhgard.
    • Industrial and Management Systems Engineering Department, College of Engineering.
    • University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, USA.
  • M.Sc. Industrial Engineering
    • Degree officially awarded on September 08, 2012.
    • Thesis title: "Reliable and Resilient Supply Chain Design" (in Spanish)
    • Advisor: Dr. Johanna Amaya-Leal, Dr. Rene Amaya-Mier.
    • Industrial Engineering Department, College of Engineering.
    • Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, ATL, Colombia.
  • B.Sc. Industrial Engineering
    • Degree officially awarded on September 17, 2008.
    • Thesis title: "Simulation Model to Measure the Impact of the Lead Times on the Bullwhip Effect" (in Spanish)
    • Advisor: Dr. Rene Amaya-Mier.
    • Industrial Engineering Department, College of Engineering.
    • Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, ATL, Colombia.