clc clear all %% IDENTIFICATION % Name: Autar Kaw (Put your name here) % Section : 001 (Put Section here) % Semester: Fall 2011 % Due Date & Time: August 29, 2011 (Put due data and time here) disp('Name: Autar Kaw (Put your name here)') disp('Section : 001 (Put Section here)') disp('Semester: Fall 2011') disp('Due Date & Time: August 29, 2011 (Put due data and time here)') %% BACKGROUND and DESCRIPTION % Title: Lift force of an Airfoil is calculated from density of the % airfoil material, cross-section area, velocity of flow and the % coefficient of lift. % lift=(1/2)*p*a*cl*(v^2); % where, % p = Density, kg/(m^3) % a = Area of cross section, m^2 % v = Velocity of airflow, m/s % disp('This program finds the lift of an airfoil') %% INPUTS AND DISPLAY INPUTS % p=density (kg/m^3) p =1.247; % a=area (m^2) a =2.4510; % cl=lift coef (unitless) cl =0.8100; % v=velocity (m/sec) v =35; fprintf('Density is %g Kg/m^3\n',p); fprintf('Area is %g m^2\n',a); fprintf('Velocity is %g m^2\n',v); %% CODE % lift formula is below lift=(1/2)*p*a*cl*(v^2); %% DISPLAY OUTPUT fprintf('the lift force is %g N\n',lift);