clc clear all %% IDENTIFICATION % Name: Autar Kaw (Put your name here) % Section : 001 (Put Section here) % Semester: Fall 2011 % Due Date & Time: August 29, 2011 (Put due data and time here) disp('Name: Autar Kaw (Put your name here)') disp('Section : 001 (Put Section here)') disp('Semester: Fall 2011') disp('Due Date & Time: August 29, 2011 (Put due data and time here)') %% BACKGROUND and DESCRIPTION % Title: Sample program to show how to use strings and how to combine two % or more strings into a single string disp('This program teaches how to use strings and concatenate them') %% INPUTS % First string a='My name '; % Second string b='is Slim Shady'; %% CODE % Join strings a and b together to form a % new string, c c=[a,b]; %% OUTPUT % Now to display the string % note the "s" is for string format fprintf(' %s\n\n',c)