%% Function name % ABD %% Revised % 28 January 2014 %% Author % Brent Savage, Willie Valentin, Trey Moore, & Autar Kaw % Section: All % Semester: Fall 2013 %% Purpose % Given the number of plies, the reduced stiffness matrix for each % ply, the angle of the ply in degrees, and the thickness of each ply % output the extensional, coupling, bending, normalized extensional, % normalized coupling, and normalized bending matrices %% Usage % function [A,B,D,An,Bn,Dn] = ABD(nplies,Qplies,angleplies,tplies) % Input variables % nplies=number of plies % Qplies=reduced stiffness matrix for each ply % angleplies= angle of each ply in degrees % tplies=thickness of each ply % Output variables % A=extensional stiffness matrix % B=coupling stiffness matrix % D=bending stiffness matrix % An=normalized extensional stiffness matriix % Bn=normalized coupling stiffness matrix % Dn=normalized bending stiffness matrix % Keywords % extensional stiffness matrix % coupling stiffness matrix % bending stiffness matrix % normalized extensional stiffness matrix % normalized coupling stiffness matrix % normalized bending stiffness matrix %% License Agreement % http://www.eng.usf.edu/~kaw/OCW/composites/license/limiteduse.pdf %% Testing Code clc clear all %% Inputs % Lamina: 0/30/-45 % Material: Graphite/Epoxy nplies=3; [tplies]=[0.005 0.005 0.005]; [angleplies]=[0 30 -45]; Q=[1.818*10^11 2.897*10^9 0; 2.897*10^9 1.035*10^10 0; 0 0 7.17*10^9]; fprintf('Number of plies: %g\n\n',nplies) disp('Reduced Stiffness Matrix:') disp('______________________________________________') disp(Q) for i=1:1:nplies fprintf('For Ply: %g\n',i) fprintf(' Ply Angle: %g\n',angleplies(i)) fprintf(' Ply Thickness: %g\n\n',tplies(i)) Qplies(:,:,i)=Q; end disp(' ') %% Test % Call function: ABD [A,B,D,An,Bn,Dn] = ABD(nplies,Qplies,angleplies,tplies); % Extensional stiffness matrix disp('Extensional Stiffness Matrix:') disp('______________________________________________') disp(A) % Coupling stiffness matrix disp('Coupling Stiffness Matrix:') disp('______________________________________________') disp(B) % Bending stiffness matrix disp('Bending Stiffness Matrix:') disp('______________________________________________') disp(D) % Normalized extensional stiffness matrix disp('Normalized Extensional Stiffness Matrix:') disp('______________________________________________') disp(An) % Normalized coupling stiffness matrix disp('Normalized Coupling Stiffness Matrix:') disp('______________________________________________') disp(Bn) % Normalized bending stiffness matrix disp('Normalized Bending Stiffness Matrix:') disp('______________________________________________') disp(Dn)