%% Function Name % NTMT %% Revised % 30 January 2014 %% Author % Srujana Anne, Trey Moore, & Autar Kaw % Semester: Fall 2013 %% Purpose % Given the transformed reduced stiffness matrix for each ply, the % temperature change , the number of plies, the thickness of plies, % and the coefficients of thermal expansion for each lamina. output % the fictitious thermal loads %% Usage % function [NT,MT] = NTMT(qbarplies,deltat,alphaplies,nplies,tplies) % Input Variables % nplies=number of plies % qbarplies=transformed reduced stiffness matrix for each ply % deltat=temperature change % alphaplies=coefficients of thermal expansion for each ply % tplies=thickness of each ply % Output Variables % NT=vector of fictitious thermal forces % MT=vector of fictitious thermal moments % Keywords % transformed reduced stiffness matrix % temperature change % coefficients of thermal expansion % thickness of plies % fictitious thermal forces % fictitious thermal moments %% License Agreement % http://www.eng.usf.edu/~kaw/OCW/composites/license/limiteduse.pdf %% Testing code clc clear all %% Inputs nplies=3; deltat=-150; tplies=[0.005 0.005 0.005]; qbarplies(:,:,1)=[26.37e+6 0.4202e+6 0; ... 0.4202e+6 1.501e+6 0; ... 0 0 1.040e+6]; qbarplies(:,:,2)=[3.43e+6 4.708e+6 2.909e+6; ... 4.708e+6 15.86e+6 7.86e+6; ... 2.909e+6 7.86e+6 5.328e+6]; qbarplies(:,:,3)=[3.43e+6 4.708e+6 -2.909e+6; ... 4.708e+6 15.86e+6 -7.86e+6; ... -2.909e+6 -7.86e+6 5.328e+6]; alphaplies=[0.0001e-4 0.9378e-5 0.9378e-5; ... 0.125e-4 0.3133e-5 0.3133e-5; ... 0 -1.0816e-5 1.0816e-5]; fprintf('Number of plies: %g\n\n',nplies) for i=1:1:nplies fprintf('\nFor Ply: %g\n',i) fprintf(' Ply Thickness: %g\n\n',tplies(i)) disp(' Transformed Reduced Stiffness Matrix:') disp('______________________________________________') disp(qbarplies(:,:,i)) end disp(' ') disp('Coefficients of Thermal Expansion for each ply:') disp('_________________________________________________') disp(alphaplies) %% Test % Call function: NTMT [NT,MT] = NTMT(qbarplies,deltat,alphaplies,nplies,tplies); % Extensional stiffness matrix disp('Fictitious Thermal Forces:') disp('_____________________________') disp(NT) % Coupling stiffness matrix disp('Fictitious Thermal Moments:') disp('______________________________') disp(MT)