ResumePublicationsTeachingEquipmentStudentsPositionsDepartment of Mechanical Engineering

Professor Alex A. Volinsky, Ph.D.


Associate Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

4202 E Fowler Ave. ENB 118

Tampa, FL 33620

Phone: (813) 974-5658

Fax: (813) 974-3539

Office location: ENC 2214

Email: volinsky at

Research interests: Thin films processing, mechanical properties and characterization. Adhesion and fracture of thin films. Nanoindentation. Pattern formation. Irradiated materials properties and X-Ray diffraction.

Research highlights:  

KBr single crystal surface rippling due to wear. Image size is 4x4 microns. Click on the image to see the movie (3 Mb).



Telephone cord delamination caused by a thin film compressive residual stress relief.  Click on the left image to view a real time delamination process (4.3 MB). For a detailed explanation please see
this MRS paper.  



















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